Dandara build high quality residential and commercial properties in the Isle of Man, Channel Islands, and throughout prime locations in the UK.
For over three decades, Dandara has been at the forefront of property design and development in the residential, corporate, commercial, retail, leisure and healthcare sectors.
LTP Integration created an elegant lighting design and completed the installation of the scheme for the new Alfie Morland pedestrian bridge in Hemel Hempstead.
The team was commissioned by award-winning developers Dandara Ltd, who co-ordinated the construction and delivery of the bridge, an eye-catching addition to Hemel Hempstead’s new contemporary town centre ‘Image’ development.
It was the first time that LTP Integration had worked with Dandara, who had previously reviewed our lighting scheme for the Perryn Road Footbridge in west London.
Apart from being subtle in terms of the installation and looking fabulous, the lighting design had to conform to British Standards for road lighting, which governs the specific lux levels required to light public bridges and highways.
The team submitted a design and specification that met and exceeded the required lux levels utilising UniLED handrail fixtures to light the main bridge span. Each one of these LED strips was ensconced within the underside of the handrail, virtually concealed from view.
The focal points of the structure are the two main support arms, located on the Kodak building side of the bridge, which provide the main means of support for the suspension cables which then attach to the main bridge span. These abutments were illuminated by four floodlights. At the other end of the bridge is a life housing which was illuminated with six floodlights.
In addition to the lighting design, LTP Integration presented all supporting photometric data, together with detailed CAD drawings identifying mains circuit layouts and electrical loading, as well as the technical specification of the proposed products.
LTP Integration’s lighting design worked perfectly as a practical solution; it fitted the aesthetic, worked with the environment and could physically be installed without impacting on the impressive architecture of the bridge. Collaborating closely with Dandara from the early design stages and throughout the installation helped make the project flow smoothly.
Once the design was signed off, the lighting installation took place over a month, and the bridge was officially opened by the Mayor of Hemel Hempstead. The new bridge makes it much safer and more accessible for anyone on foot wanting to cross the road, as well as becoming a stylish local landmark.
LTP have also designed and installed lighting schemes for Fabian Way Bridge in Swansea, Perryn Road Bridge in London and Tradeston Bridge in Glasgow.
“Bridges are always very special structures to light, as lighting is a finishing touch that has great public appeal as well as practical value. We particularly enjoyed the challenges that this project threw up, using our extensive knowledge of bridge structure lighting to develop bespoke architectural solutions.” – Keith Elms, Business Manager (LTP Integration)
For further information on the products and services used in this bridge lighting installation, or to discuss a similar architectural lighting scheme, please get in touch today.
Contact us on +44 (0)1554 740500 or click on Discuss a Project and let us know your requirements.